I grew up eating breakfast every morning at the table with my dad. Neither my mom nor my sister were as early of risers as we were. This was our special time together.

And whether we were noshing on Special K cereal topped with strawberries and heavy cream (sshh…the cream was always a secret we kept from Mom) or a bowl of McCann’s Irish Oatmeal, the time was special.

My favorite breakfast with Dad, though, was hearty whole wheat bread, toasted and topped with melting peanut butter and preserves. Sometimes apricot, sometimes, blackberry, and sometimes orange marmalade.

Ooey gooey, drippy, delicious.

Cinnamon Orange Marmalade

1 lb. fresh navel oranges (about 4 medium)
1 cup water
1 cup white sugar
1 tsp. vanilla extract
1/2 tsp. ground cinnamon

Slice the oranges into thin rounds.
Place the slices in a medium saucepan over medium heat. Stir in the water, sugar and vanilla. Bring the mixture to a boil, then turn the heat to low.
Continue to simmer, stirring occasionally, until the mixture has darkened in color and thickened to a jammy consistency, 40 minutes. Stir in the cinnamon.

Carefully transfer the marmalade to canning jars, cool, and seal with lids.

Store in the refrigerator for up to 10 days in an airtight container.

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