If only we all pursued what we were meant to do in life…

What would you like to do if money was no object?
How would you really like to spend your life?

What do I desire?
I’ve asked myself this question a multitude of times in my life, and much more frequently lately.  What do I desire, really?  I think of all the fantastical imaginations: dreams of vacationing in the Caribbean, sipping wine in the streets of Italy, hiking through the Swiss Alps, and fumbling upon the back of a camel in northern Africa.  I’d even like to walk the crowded streets of New Delhi, clutching my heart in a way to feel calm and secure amidst the chaos.  Traveling the world – experiencing the world.  My dreams surely involve fancying a five-star hotel room and first-class food, of course.  Yet, other times, I fascinate upon experiencing and feeling the culture of all of these places.  After all, the beauty of an experience involves all the facets and aspects involved, not merely surface and sight.

Surely I think about all the things that I want in life.  I often fall victim to a wretched case of “stuffitis.”  The acuteness of my plight eventually lingers as I fall back into reality of who and what truly matter to me on a daily basis.  All the materials that I often desire are just that – material things.  If I were to do what I love in life, what would that be?  Travel.  Experience.  Feel, see, smell, understand.  Why do I crave these experiences?  What am I seeking?

The answer is that I’m not desiring anything at all for myself.  I am seeking to bless others.  Serving.  Despite the incessant pulls toward lack of confidence, I have been given so much to OFFER others.  I have so much to give.  I am able to give.  That’s what I want to do.  That’s what I love to do.  That’s what I live to do.  That’s what I’m meant to do.  It’s what I’m created to do.  My purpose.  A full life.



[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=siu6JYqOZ0g?feature=player_detailpage&w=640&h=360]

“Better to have a short life that is full of what you really like doing, than a long life spent in a miserable way.”

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