Moving is one of my least favorite things in life.

The packing, the organizing, the logistics ~ the unpacking, the disorganization, the “unlogistics,” and the lack of control ~ talk about stress!

Alas, it’s moving day for me once again today.  Well, moving in that my “stuff” is arriving home once again after nearly a year in storage.

Transitions and changes over the past few years have created many challenges and living obstacles.  One of those has been storing my belongings off and on for nearly 2.5 years.  One year in storage, 6 months of use, one year in storage, and now…it’s all coming home.

Despite the stress involved, I’d say that it’s pretty awesome.  It’s like Christmas in February today.  Fabulous!

I’m sure I’ll be discovering items long forgotten and I’m anticipating unpacking those things I’ve missed the most.

So, 10 Fabulous Finishing Friday thoughts regarding moving, unpacking, and “stuff discovery:”

1.  My Vitamix – oh boy have I been missing this one.  Using this baby once again is going to be truly amazing.  What should I make first?  (Mine’s black – I kinda wish it was cherry red!)


2.  My Kitchen Aid Food Processor – this is the mother of all food processors.  It weighs a ton and it does the job in no time flat.  It’s fabulous.


3.  Framed Photos – I don’t have many, but artwork is always greatly appreciated.

4.  My Spice Collection – granted things will most likely be stale and not as fresh as desired for awesomeness in the kitchen.  But, just the idea of having such items at my fingertips once again is truly thrilling.

5.  Plum Cords, Olive Sweaters, and Baby Blue Bathrobes – I’ve lived without these for so long I’d almost forgotten them until I began thinking about the clothes I’ve been missing stowed away in those boxes for so long.  Sorting through these items will be like a shopping spree for free!

6.  Rearranging – while unpacking is “less than fun” for me (albeit much better than packing), reorganizing, rearranging, and creating a home once again is vastly satisfying.

7.  Donations – I’ve lived so long, so many months, with all of this “stuff” that is clearly unnecessary.  How great will it be to be free of it once and for all, donating to those who really do need (or maybe want) it in their own homes.  Generosity feels goooooood.


8.  Fresh Paint – this really has nothing to do with moving, etc.  But, the idea of creating a new home, a new space, with “stuff,” lends itself to the idea of new paint, new surroundings, and more.  It’s exciting!

9.  No More Storage! – at last, the monthly storage bill will disappear.  What a relief.

10.  Being Settled – it’s been so long.  It may not be permanent, but the idea of homemaking bliss after a 2.5 year transition sounds pretty darn F.A.B.U.L.O.U.S.  In fact, it’s better than discovering a $5 bill in your coat pocket after 9 months in the closet from last winter.



Happy Valentine’s Day, by the way!

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