I see it in myself.  My eyes are glued to my phone each evening, checking my FB and Twitter feed.  I’m bored…That’s all it is, right?  I’m seeking out information.  I want to stay in touch.  It’s important to keep up to date with everyone.  It may make me feel inadequate at times,  maybe it’s distracting me from things that need to be done around the house, but it’s entertaining me to see their posts and photos.

For me that’s the key.  I’m looking scanning – and that’s it!  Posts longer than a sentence or two…I’m gone.  My attention span is that pitiful.  Twitter, then, must be perfect for me, right?  NO way – it’s still too many characters.  Instagram is the best.  All I have to do is look, and move on.

I’ve lost my mind.


If you can focus your attention long enough to read this article, you’ll learn why:

How Facebook is Altering Your Mind

What’s next?  Well, surely we can’t give up on social media all together.  PLEASE no!  It’s become a staple in our modern lives.  But, we certainly can grab a good book, head outside, and smile at some folks along the way!

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