I’m really good at using the items I have on-hand to whip up something delicious.
After all, that’s how I learned to cook.

Growing up as the blessed daughter of two gourmet food brokers, we didn’t have much money, but we did have access to some of the best foods on earth.
A weekday evening may involve browsing through the samples in the basement, perusing the mis-picked items in the fridge (I fondly remember opening the cooler doors to a 50lb wheel of Parmigiano Reggiano at one point), and carefully selecting spices from the cabinet for something more than amazing.

And life continues, as does my kitchen canvas.

Amid a move, I discovered a cherished filet mignon in the freezer, as well as some tri-colored sweet potatoes. With fresh mushrooms and blue cheese in the fridge, this was bound to be a win-win situation.

And, it was.

Italian Steak & Potatoes

1 large filet mignon (6-8 oz) (room temperature)
3 Tbs. butter
1 cup sliced mushrooms
1/2 small yellow onion, diced
1 cup sweet potatoes (purple, white, and garnet are fun)
2 tsp. dried Italian seasoning
sea salt and pepper
2 Tbs. sweet vermouth
2 Tbs. crumbled blue cheese

Melt the butter in a large cast iron skillet over medium heat. Add the mushrooms, onions, and potatoes, as well as a touch of salt and cook until the mushrooms begin to release their juices, the onions begin to caramelize, and the taters begin to soften.
Turn up the heat and form a well in the veggies for the steak.
Season the steak with salt and pepper and add to the well. Cook for about 5 minutes on one side. Flip and cook another 5 minutes or so – this will create a pretty rare steak, so keep flipping and even cover the skillet for more “done-ness” to your steak.
Remove the steak from the pan and allow to “rest” for about 3-5 minutes, before thinly slicing.
Meanwhile, add the vermouth to the veggies, back to low-medium heat, and deglaze the pan – cooking until the liqueur has evaporated.

Serve the sliced steak atop the veggies and sprinkled with blue cheese.

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