So, I have to give Bon Appétit all the credit for this one.
99.9% all of the recipes are my own creations. Perhaps inspired by things I’ve tasted and seen in my adventuresome apposition in life, they are still all mine.

This one, however, I made pretty much to a tee ~ well, not really, as I couldn’t possible ever truly follow a recipe.

But, all credit here is due to Bon Appétit magazine.

Not only inspiring…but intriguing.

Salted Honey Cantaloupe Jam-015

SALTED honey and cantaloupe ~ jammed packed together ~

“This salty, sweet cantaloupe jam will put your go-to strawberry jam to shame.”

Salted Honey Cantaloupe Jam

4 cups coarsely chopped cantaloupe
1 cup sugar
 cup fresh lemon juice
½ cup honey
1 tsp. kosher salt
1 tsp. powdered pectin

Bring cantaloupe and 1 cup water to a boil in a medium saucepan, mashing lightly with a potato masher; add sugar and lemon juice and bring to a boil, stirring constantly. Cook, stirring, until mixture is thick, 15–20 minutes. Stir in honey, salt, and pectin and boil vigorously, stirring, 2 minutes. Let cool. Transfer jam to a glass jar, cover, and chill.

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