I like a rare steak.

A really rare steak.

And, I like it with wine.

I also really love apples, onions, and parsnips.

Sweet Onion Apple Puree and Seared Steak-006

Thus, creating a meal where all the elements are there in one simple bite only makes sense.


You know you will.

Carnivores and herbivores alike.

Steak or no steak – simple purée.

But, why would you skip the beef?

Sweet Apple Onion Purée and Seared Steak

1 Tbs. butter
1/2 yellow onion, chopped
1 medium apple, cored and chopped
2 large parsnips, peeled and chopped
sea salt and pepper
1/2 cup red wine

1 large NY strip steak
sea salt and pepper
1 Tbs. butter

Melt the butter in a medium saucepan over medium-high heat. Add the onions, apple, parsnips, and salt and pepper. Sauté until golden brown. Reduce heat to a simmer. Add red wine and continue to cook until the wine has reduced to almost nothing and the parsnips are super soft. Add more wine if necessary in order to reach parsnip perfection.
Transfer to a high speed blender or food processor. Purée until somewhat smooth, but still a tad bit chunky. Texture is good.

For the steak ~
Bring the strip to room temperate. Season liberally with salt and pepper.
Meanwhile, preheat the oven AND a cast-iron pan (or any oven safe pan, but cast-iron is best) to 500 degrees.
Once everything is hot, drop the butter into the pan and immediate set in the steak.
Return to the oven and sear for about 3-5 minutes.
Flip to the other side.
Sear for an additional 3-5 minutes.**
Remove steak from the oven. Place on a cutting board and tent with foil for about 10 minutes.
Slice and serve atop the Sweet Apple Onion Purée.

**This creates a pretty rare steak. Cook a minute or two longer for more “doneness.”

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