French Lentil, Sausage, Kale, & Mushroom Mélange

mé·lange māˈlänj/ mixture; medley a mixture often of incongruous elements from French mélange, from mêler ‘to mix.’ Mélange got mixed into the melting pot of English back in the 1600s. It derives from the Middle French verb mesler, which means “to mix.” “Mélange” is actually one of several French contributions to the English body of words for miscellaneous mixtures. “Pastiche” (meaning “a composition…

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Citrus Wine Poached Salmon

Welcome 2017! The older I grow, the more heartfelt the moniker “time flies” becomes. It truly feels as if 2016 just arrived. There’s never enough time in the day, it seems. However, I DID find the time to create this healthy gourmet cornucopia of deliciousness in about 20 minutes flat. Now this is the way…

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Jamaican Jerk Shrimp and Purple Sweet Potato Pancakes

Remember the whole chicken and waffle craze? Well, it’s so last year. Really, it is… Who wants fried chicken and syrupy sweet, crusty waffles anyway? Many folks, I’m sure. But not this little princess. Something a little more exotic for me… …and “rare,” in that I’ve been dreaming of purple sweet potato season for months…

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