Seeded Cracker Crisps

“Seedy, lighter-than-air crackers are bubbly baked in cheese and crowned with savory seeds and smoke.” Crispy? Check. Cheesey? Check. Fancy looking but easy to make? Check. These crackers are pure GOLD! If you’re looking for a quick snack, here’s your answer. If you’re looking for a somewhat fancy-schmancy gourmet accompaniment to your entertaining appetizer board,…

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Chocolate Bourbon Pecan Phyllo Pie

It sure seems like everyone insists on traditional pumpkin pie for Thanksgiving. I have no problem with this. In fact, my bestie and I baked up a gorgeous leaf layered pumpkin pie for Thanksgiving this year as well. We gobbled it up – yes, we did. However, there is also a time and place for…

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