Sweet and Spicy MMM Mighty Mushroom Bite Toast

We all know that mushrooms are the epitome of umami: savoriness one of the five basic tastes. Think, yummy, salty, satisfying, meaty! YUM. THE BEST! 😋 “Add some extra “MMM” to your favorite bowls, wraps, and sliders with these hearty mushroom bites.” That’s right. Big Mountain Foods hits the nail on the head for ALL of…

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Lydia’s Foods Raw Product Review

I have been attracted to the live, raw, vegan, whole foods lifestyle for many years. It just makes sense for our bodies, the environment, and the health and wellbeing of both. A grain-free lifestyle is a no-brainer for me, and the benefits of soaking and sprouting before consumption creates a list a mile-long. But, it…

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Madrouba ~ Omani Chicken and Rice Porridge

“Fragrant with spices and soft from overcooked rice, this Middle Eastern porridge is perfect comfort food.” It’s the perfect comfort food and the ideal in nourishing traditions. warm. soothing. spicy. smooth. strong. subtle. It feeds my soul and fills my heart to prepare food for others. Food that tastes good. Food that feels good. And,…

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