Lemon Ginger Molasses Cake

While we are still experiencing the lingering heat of the summer season, the hankering for iced lemonade and peach ice cream, the spicy scents of fall are just around the corner.Soon it will be time for ginger and molasses – yes, that’s right!So, to unite the two seasons and bring our lingering thoughts of sunshine…

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Cherry Chocolate Raspberry Peanut Butter Cake

I’m often asked where I come up with my recipe ideas and inspirations.The truth is – endless, sleepless nights. But, I also dream about food and creative concoctions, as well as wander the grocery aisles, aimlessly. And, when I find something interesting and out of the ordinary, I pick it up, ponder it, and make…

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Rustic Pistachio Chocolate Vanilla Layer Cake

Rather than dwell on or worry over spilt milk, or in this case a lop-sided cake desperately needing more frosting, I decided to “go with the flow” and accept all things in their imperfection. After all, it is Labor Day, and who wants to labor any more than necessary anyway? Thus, I named my layer…

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