Sweet Beets and Lemon Pesto

It seems rather silly to allow for a giant amount of Lemon Pistachio Pesto to go to waste. (The recipe makes a ton). And, it also seems a bit frivolous to cook only one measly beet for a pasta recipe. Thus, we have a combination of leftover to create something entirely new. Smashed sweet potatoes, roasted…

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Orange Basil Sweet Potatoes & Pork

There’s something special about oranges and basil when they are paired together. One of my very first kitchen creations as a teen, I remember, was an orange-basil salsa I crafted with fresh basil from our family garden. THAT concoction alone may have sealed the deal with my love and adoration for creativity in the kitchen….

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Dukkah Spice Sweet Potatoes and Spinach

I am absolutely in love with the aromatic bliss and flavorful ecstasy of Dukkah. The Egyptian seed and spice blend is simply so heavenly, you’ll want it in and on everything. Eggs, pasta, potatoes, rice, pizza, even savory oatmeal…roasted veggies, soft and hard cheeses alike… I haven’t tried it on any fruit as of yet,…

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