Bravery and Sunchokes

I was recently blessed with an overwhelming bounty from the local produce department. Seriously. Upon entering the market, the produce manager, with whom I’ve developed quite a rapport with my specialty requests, offered a basket of fresh flavors fully gratis. Honestly. I felt utterly fortunate and full of ambition and readiness to create something new and…

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Stacked Heirloom Sliders

Slippery sliders are an amazing treat. I love them with beef or lamb, for sure.  Really love them, actually. However, there are times when a garden fresh heirloom tomato does the meaty trick! With a splash of balsamic vinegar for sweetness and plenty of salty goodness sprinkled atop the veggie meaty mess of baby bellas…

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Craving Cauliflower

I feel as though cauliflower has been far too under appreciated as a brassica in the vegetable kingdom.  It has taken the back burner for far too long. I often see it as a side addition on the standard party vegetable tray, along side raw broccoli, the trusty stand-ins of carrots and celery, with the…

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Tuna Carpaccio

For years and years and years, any restaurant entree order of mine proved to be highly predictable.  Always, no matter where I ventured, assuming the restaurant selection suited my style, my meal of choice involved AHI TUNA.  Oh…heaven.  So fresh, so delicious, so amazing.  What a treat. Thankfully I’ve begun to expand my palate over…

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Cloud Atlas

Last weekend we experienced  a super soaker of a storm.  It was fantastic.  What was even more fantastic, though, was the build up of cloud formations in the sky throughout the day.  From big white billowing clouds forming in the northeast to sweeping gray spherical forms to the north, and then to be encapsulated by…

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