As with every year, I am desperate to hold on to any last vestige of summer…particularly the bounty of delicious produce and the warm sunshine.

I’m NO fan of winter.

In fact, the only thing that really excites me about the chill in the air is the delicious soft sweetness of winter squash and sweet potatoes, along with the feel-good bitter of my beloved brassicas.

Turmeric Coriander Squash Creme-006

So, with long summer days fading away, I’ll whip up every last bit of farm fresh produce (yellow summer squash, in this case), but I’ll still add in the ensuing bit of warmth we all need to nourish us throughout the cold winter months…turmeric and a dash of coriander.

It’s delicious.


Turmeric Coriander Squash Créme

2 giant (large) yellow squash, roughly chopped and lightly steamed
1 Tbs. coconut butter (NOT oil, but coconut butter – which includes the desiccated coconut)
1/2 tsp. ground coriander
1/2 tsp. ground turmeric
sea salt and pepper

fresh cilantro (coriander) for garnish

Combine the steamed squash, coconut BUTTER, and spices in a high speed blender. Whir until super smooth.

Served tossed with roasted veggies, fresh veggies, chicken, beans, pasta, rice, sweet potatoes…you name it.

This “Créme” is pretty much, “the best thing ever.”

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