Italian Wedding Tortellacci Besciamella

First of all, what the heck is “tortellacci?” A tortellacci is a sheet of pasta folded around cheese, spinach, meat, seasonings etc. Bascially, a tortellacci just a bigger tortelloni, which is really just a bigger tortellini. (A SUPER SIZED tortelloni).  The term “torte” comes from  torta , which means “cake” or “round bread.” The Italian suffix -ini translates to “little,” -oni to “big,” and -acci to…

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Fresh Beet Pasta

If you do a quick search for pasta recipes, chances are you’ll walk away more confused than confident. Some call for flour and whole eggs, others for additions of water or oil. Weight versus volume measurements, kneading times, resting conditions—it’s all over the map. So how’s a girl to choose the very best way? If…

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