Fabulous Finishing Fridays

Challenges are great. They help us learn.  They help us grow.  They are an amazing part of life. 10 FABULOUS Truths That Will Help You Through Any Challenge: 1. Life is not always how you plan it, no matter how much you force or try to control it. 2. Change is inevitable, so you might…

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In Defense Of Highly Sensitive People

I have certainly mentioned in the past my tendency towards introversion and the fact that I find it to be emotionally overwhelming and quite exhausting, at times, to interact with large groups of people.  I feel much more comfortable and considerably more nourished by spending quiet time with smaller groups of individuals, or even just…

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The Time is NOW

Reflection, prayer, and meditation are magical.  We often resist the quiet time with the Light in our lives, but time spent in this space is truly transformational.  My own experience of late has created a whole new world ~ a world of REAL life.  I came from a place of confusion and often hopelessness to…

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Stand on Your Hands

No, I’m not kidding, nor am I wordsmithing for creativity. Research actually shows how beneficial the inverted exercise can be for your health. Inversion tables have been around for years, making manufacturers extreme amounts of money by targeting health enthusiasts.  Headstands, too, have been practiced by yogis (and those attempting the latest yoga trend) for…

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30 Things to Do…Before We Die

I came across this article a few weeks ago  ~ boy does it put things in perspective.  It’s more than a mere “Bucket List,” but more of a manifesto and a guide to “living life to the fullest.” We seem to focus on all the little things in life and so often lose sight of…

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