Savory French Toast Bake

Not all French Toast need be sweet. In fact, I’m more of a fan of savory breakfasts. AND, The French did not invent French toast. Rather, it was Americans who gave the name “French Toast” to this dish because French immigrants in America popularized the dish. In fact, French toast was invented long before France…

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Good Morning Grub

I’ve grown to enjoy a super hearty breakfast.  Never before a savory breakfast eater, over the past few years I’ve shied away from fruits and nuts (my previous go-to morning meal) and drifted, migrated, and evolved into a warm and savory breakfast kind of girl.  Excuse me, kind of WOMAN. Now that I utter the…

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Sunshine Boats

I adore salt.  I crave salt.  Good salt, that is.  Real salt.  In fact, I’ve been known to be caught with my moistened finger in the salt jar, stealing a savory lick. Salt is delicious and can be gorgeously flavored in all sorts interesting combinations and ways. Lavender salt, vanilla salt, truffle salt, and now,…

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