Things Change UPDATE!

Well, I have an angel. Valerie – my nearest and dearest. As I cried on her shoulder, she said to me, “YOU CANNOT GIVE UP THE BLOG.” She’s right. It’s me. It’s US. It’s my creative outlet, my way to communicate, my canvas, and my heart. My love language is food.I love food. I speak…

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Easter Cookies

Happy Easter! Bright and Brilliant rather than Passive and Pastel this year… Lucy the Lamb (or devilish ram) Peter Rabbit Mr. Tobbin Greta the Goose Bunny Ashley and Valerie, the Artists Beehives, Easter Baskets, Eggs, Hearts, and Spring Smiles

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Mondays can be hard.  I generally have Mondays off from work, so Tuesdays are my “Monday.”  Needless to say, once a two day break from work comes to an end and we have to get back to the grindstone, we may or may not meet the morning with a bit of a grumble and some…

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