White Chocolate Peanut Butter Golden Sugar Cookies

Why is it golden? Why is this White Chocolate Peanut Butter Cookie GOLDEN?Because peanut butter and chocolate are always the golden ticket to anyone’s heart. 🎫💖 If it’s Valerie’s heart – the key is WHITE chocolate. ( Reese’s Minis White Creme Peanut Butter Cups, specifically). White Chocolate Peanut Butter Golden Sugar Cookies Classic soft and…

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Candied Orange Sugar Cookie Coins

Sometimes I’ll wake up early on a Sunday morning and all I want to do is bake. Bake and bake and bake. One sabbath Sunday, I arose quite near 4:00am. I had a craving ~ an urge. The force was with me and I just had to get tow work. FOUR pies later, I was ready…

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