The Noble Rot Salad

I simply love the fresh produce available in the PNW. While living in Portland for a few years, I was over-the-top spoiled. Fresh berries. Ripe peaches. Herbs abounding. Veggies cascading. Crisp apples throughout the fall. Bounties of interesting and exotic winter squash throughout the colder months. For a Colorado native living outside easy access to…

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Mediterranean Polenta Cubes

Not only do we have plenty of polenta in our house, but at times we go through a plethora of artichoke entrĂ©es. Artichoke hearts, that is. I really like the pickled tang and texture of the little choke hearts. And please forgive me, as I realize we are way beyond 1990, but I do quite…

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Spicy Polenta Rounds and Curly Cheddar Crisps

We really like polenta in our house. Yes, we do. No, it’s not paleo, it’s not grain-free, and no one can really digest corn. But it tastes good, you know? Almost nutty, almost sweet, almost creamy, and almost crunchy. It’s almost like corn – in the form of polenta, at least – is magical. If…

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