Italian Lentil Salad

I have always loved lentils. High in protein, high in fiber, full of flavor, and great texture – they are an all time favorite. And, they can be so versatile – seasoned, cooked, canned – made any way you like it.However, there was a time in my 30s when my digestion simply said, “no.” No…

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French Lentil, Sausage, Kale, & Mushroom Mélange

mé·lange māˈlänj/ mixture; medley a mixture often of incongruous elements from French mélange, from mêler ‘to mix.’ Mélange got mixed into the melting pot of English back in the 1600s. It derives from the Middle French verb mesler, which means “to mix.” “Mélange” is actually one of several French contributions to the English body of words for miscellaneous mixtures. “Pastiche” (meaning “a composition…

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