Tomato Tarte Tatin Puff Pastry

The Tarte Tatin, named after the Tatin sisters who invented it and served it in their hotel as its signature dish, is a pastry in which the fruit (usually apples) is caramelized in butter and sugar before the tart is baked. It originated in France but has spread to other countries over the years. The tarte Tatin was created accidentally at the…

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Creamy Sweet Pepper Beef Bruschetta Pastry Pie

What and how are all the elements to this super savory, ultra creamy, and sensationally delicious Creamy Sweet Pepper Beef Bruschetta Pastry Pie made? Puff Pastry, also known as pâte feuilletée, is a flaky light pastry made from a laminated dough composed of dough and butter or other solid fat. The butter is put inside…

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