PACHA Pomegranate Grilled Cheese

Now THAT’S a grilled cheese sandwich. Brian teases me, “When you do something, you f*!cking DO it!” He’s not wrong. You want a sandwich? I’ll show you the best damn sandwich you’ve ever had! Thus, the PACHA Pomegranate Grilled Cheese Sandwich. LIVE PACHA Buckwheat Sourdough Bread – organic, gluten free bread that’s good for you…

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Italian Grinder Pacha Lasagna Layer Bake

The most popular theory for why grinders received their name is because of the Italian bread the fillings rest upon. Sandwich makers needed thick and durable bread to hold these submarine sandwiches’ fillings. However, these sandwiches gained a reputation for having to put extra jaw work into consuming them because of their thick bread and…

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