Vegan Cookie Dough Fudge Bites

Vegan Cookie Dough Fudge Bites

1/3 cup sunflower seed butter
1/4 cup coconut oil
2 Tbs. coconut butter or creamed coconut
1-2 Tbs. raw honey
1 tsp. vanilla extract
1 tsp. real sea salt
1/3 cup dark chocolate chips (soy-free and gluten-free)


In a small pot, over very low heat, combine the sunflower seed butter, coconut oil, coconut butter, and honey.  

Warm the mixture, until just melted and smooth, stirring constantly.  
The coconut butter will burn if heated too much or too rapidly. Pay close attention – no multi-tasking here!

Once fully melted, remove from heat and add vanilla and salt. Stir to combine.  
Pour the mixture into an 8”× 8″ greased (with coconut oil) baking dish.  
Chill for 5-10 minutes.  
Once cool, stir in chocolate chips to evenly distribute. Return to refrigerator to set.

These treats are best stored in the icebox or fridge, as they definitely will melt in your mouth AND in your hand, if you manage to keep them on your fingertips for very long at all…not likely!



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