Chocolate Cappuccino Mug Cake
Sometimes you just want cake for breakfast. Just you – no one else.
“..eggs! Eggs are in chocolate cake! And milk! Oh goody! And wheat! That’s nutrition!”
~ Bill Cosby
Chocolate Cappuccino Mug Cake
1.5 scoops Nuzest Creamy Cappuccino Clean Lean Protein*
1.5 scoops Nuzest Rich Chocolate Clean Lean Protein*
2 large pastured eggs
1 Tbs. coconut oil, melted
1/4 cup nut milk
1/2 tsp. baking powder
Whisk together all ingredients in a small bowl.
In a large, oiled mug, microwave on high for one minute, watching for overflow.
Dig in with a spoon and enjoy! Sprinkle with chocolate chips or dust with cocoa powder, if desired.
*Buy Nuzest Clean Lean Protein HERE with coupon code: CRAVING
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