Homemade Fire Toasted Hobo Pies
Believe it or not, this princess used to LOVE the outdoors.
It’s not that I don’t relish in my daily devotional morning walk and hike and then my return home for a nice hot shower and the luxury of my own home ~ but I don’t so much love the long-term hot, sweaty, dirty dealio that comes with camping for days on end in God’s great country.
Maybe it’s because I’m getting old.
Maybe it’s because I’m spoiled.
Maybe it’s because I love a soft bed and indoor plumbing.
I’m guessing it’s a combination of the above, as well as several other elements of my current lifestyle.
In any case, we recently went “glamping” with some of our greatest friends.
And, boy, was it worth it!
I grew up with a family-built cabin in the mountains. Dear, old Dad built the family heirloom with his own town hands (and the helping hands of great friends too). As little girls, we spent THEIR hardworking days playing and pouncing around the wilderness and atop “Spaceship Rock.” As I gave Matt and Cari a tour of the property this last weekend, Spaceship Rock seemed a whole lot smaller than I’d remembered. We walked our “walk” and went through old photo albums, introducing them to the family fondness and reintroducing me to magical old memories.
As a child, we spent most weekends and nearly the entire summer at The Cabin.
What a legacy.
And these days, living further and further away, the family traditions only bring me and my hubby there once or twice a year: always for Thanksgiving and usually once in the summer.
This was a special treat to invite some special friends.
We had a blast!
Lots of great food, fine wine, cigars, scotch, and laughter. LOTS of laughter. Ridiculous laughter. Rolling on the floor, covering your head with a pillow, and kicking up your heels, belly-aching laughter.
We will never forget this weekend.
AND, I’m honored to announce, that Cari made the blog!
(We wore out sweet, little Rosie!)
I introduced her to The Cabin, and she introduced me to Hobo Pies!
These little cast iron cookers are genius. Camping, glamping, whatever ~ they are the best!
We made little pepperoni sandwich pies, right inside the wood-burning stove (the rain prevented outdoor dining, and outdoor S’Mores – next time, guys).
We may even try our hand at pb & j hobo pies or cinnamon roll sweet pies next time.
They were absolutely fabulous ~ and fed us full and well until wine and scotch time.
Oh, and I mustn’t forget the dessert treat of Cari’s Tiramisu!
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