Coconut Lime Mole Grilled Chicken

Coconut Lime Mole Grilled Chicken

1 large chicken breast

3 Tbs. Fall Mole spice blend
1 large bell pepper, sliced into “rounds”
2 tsp. Persian Lime Olive Oil
sea salt
Go Raw Tangy Lime Coconut Crisps (or homemade)
fresh cilantro, chopped


Preheat the grill to medium heat.

Thoroughly rub all surfaces of the raw chicken breast with the Fall Mole spice blend to create a thick “crust” for grilling.

Grill until the chicken breast is cooked all the way through and the outer crust has formed into a crisp, moisture-locking, aromatic object of perfection.

Allow chicken to cool and then thinly slice into strips.

Meanwhile, heat oil in a small skillet over low heat. Sauté the pepper pieces, adding salt to taste.

Serve the chicken alongside the sautéed peppers and obnoxiously delicious coconut chips. 


Garnish with fresh cilantro, of course.


**By the way, if any of you were savvy enough to click on the link ~ this is truly one of my favorite songs.

Not only do I browse the refrigerator door for dinner ideas, but I adore DANCING with My Bri in front of that same refrigerator door.



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