Grain-Free Salted Caramel Peach Pie

Finding a decent grain-free paleo pie crust can be a tough task. In fact, finding any baked goods that are void of grain or even gluten will give you a run for your money. They are often mealy, dry, or filled with gummy fillers.

Look no more. This recipe is simple, sweet, and delicious. It’s a Grain-Free Salted Caramel Peach Pie to solve all of life’s problems.

Grain-Free Salted Caramel Peach Pie 

Grain-Free Crust:
almond flour
1/2 cup 
coconut flour
1/2 cup 
arrowroot or tapioca flour, plus more for rolling out dough
1/2 tsp. 
 sea salt
1/2 cup ice cold butter, cut into 1/2″ chunks
egg white + 1 tsp. water to make an egg wash


Preheat the oven to 375 degrees.

Sift together the almond flour, coconut flour, tapioca flour, and salt.
Using a food processor cut the cold butter into the flour mixture by pulsing until the mixture is uniformly the size of small peas.

Add the egg and pulse just until a dough begins to form.

Form the dough into a ball, flatten it into a disk, cover it with plastic wrap, and refrigerate for 20 minutes.

Transfer the dough to a work surface covered with parchment paper that has been lightly floured with arrowroot or tapioca flour.

Lightly dust the top of the disk with tapioca flour and use another sheet of parchment paper to cover the dough to roll into a round at least 12 inches in diameter. 

Continue sprinkling tapioca to ensure the dough doesn’t stick to the paper.

Transfer the rolled-out dough to a pie plate, trimming any edges, folding under, and pinching for a decorative look. (OR, create a galette and skip the pie plate – see further instructions below)

Brush the edges of the dough with the egg wash. 

Prick the crust with a fork several times and bake for about 12 minutes.

Cool and fill before baking for about an additional 20 minutes.


Salted Caramel Peach Filling:
5 cups fresh peaches, sliced
4 Tbs. butter
4 Tbs. brown sugar
1/2 tsp. sea salt
1/2 tsp. vanilla
coarse finishing salt (Hampton Salt Company)
coarse sugar


Very thinly slice the peaches and warm over low heat in a medium pot.

In a small pan, over medium heat, melt the butter and heat long enough to brown the butter into a caramelly goodness. 

Add the brown sugar, salt, and vanilla and stir until well combined.

Drizzle half the salted caramel over the bottom of the pie crust.

Toss the remaining caramel sauce with the sizzling peaches, until they are just soft.

Fill the crust with the peaches and bake for about 20 minutes, OR (as what I’ve done) skip the pie plate altogether and create a free-form galette.


Allow to chill before serving.



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