Sourdough Cinnamon Rolls
Fall is definitely in the air and the cinnamon spice season is upon us.
In honor of the crisp, cool outdoor ambiance and the coziness we all crave indoors, I created a super delicious and spicy batch of Sourdough Cinnamon Rolls using that fantastic sourdough starter I was gifted a few months ago.
It’s been a bit stressful…but I’ve kept it going…and passed many a loaf along the way.
Sourdough Cinnamon Rolls
1 batch Ancient Sourdough (Except, I’ve reduced the “night before” and the full recipe to only 1 Tbs. each for the sugar. This creates a much more sour, tangy version, and I’ve found it to be quite pleasing for my tasters.)
1 stick butter, softened
1/3 cup white sugar
1 Tbs. pumpkin pie spice
Prepare the dough as directed, reducing the sugar to just 1 Tbs.
After the first rise and kneading, and before transferring the dough to a greased baking dish for the second rising, divide it into two or three pieces, knead, and then roll out.
Spread with room temperature butter and sprinkle the sugar and spice (mixed well) atop. Roll up, slice into thirds, and then twist and turn into buns.
Repeat with the other two loaves, using more butter if you feel it to be necessary. Transfer the twisted rolls to a large, greased baking dish.
Preheat the oven to 375 degrees.
Allow the dough to rise the last time (about 2 hours) and to double in size.
Bake for about 35-40 minutes.
Remove from the oven and devour…with a cold root beer! (or hot apple cider).
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