Toasted Coconut Ginger Chicken
It’s time to say goodbye to leftover Thanksgiving turkey and welcome some Thai-inspired chicken!
With toasted coconut, a little ginger, and Jasmine rice cooked in coconut milk, topped with cilantro and lime, this dish is so easy, you can’t go wrong!
I have to admit, I’m a little disappointed in the appearance. I crowded the plate for the photos this time.
You’ll have to have patience and trust me…
It’s SO great!
Toasted Coconut Ginger Chicken
1 cup Jasmine rice
1 14 oz. can full-fat coconut milk
1/4 cup raw, unsweetened coconut chips (flakes, shavings)
2 large chicken breasts
ginger salt
juice and zest of 1 lime
fresh cilantro
extra virgin olive oil
Preheat the oven to 425 degrees.
Season the chicken breasts with ginger salt (and pepper, if you’d like) and bake, covered for about 45 minutes.
Meanwhile, combine the rice and coconut milk in a medium pot and bring to a boil. Reduce to a simmer, half covered, and cook until all the liquid has absorbed.
In a separate skillet, toast the coconut flakes over low heat for 3-5 minutes, stirring constantly, until the chips are toasty brown and fragrant.
To serve, slice the chicken and plate over the coconut rice, topping with the toasted coconut, fresh lime juice and zest, cilantro, and olive oil.
Candied ginger makes a nice addition here as well.
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