Leftover S’Mores Pie
I don’t camp anymore.
I did. For a long time, in fact, I actually enjoyed it.
Don’t get me wrong – I love the outdoors. I adore the fresh air, silence, colors, and peace.
But, I also really enjoy feeling clean (a HOT shower after a hike – or, every night before bed), indoor plumbing, and a warm, comfortable bed.
I’m too old to pitch a tent.
I’m more of a Four Seasons and Jimmy Choo type of gal.
All that aside, I still enjoy reminiscing about childhood camping and the family cabin experiences. And, tacos, veggie burgers, and S’mores were all a part of those memories.
And, when you make S’mores around the campfire, there are often times little, tiny bits of leftovers. So, what do you do? Well, a “normal” human being would simply nosh on the sweet goodness of fluffy marshmallows, crispy and crunchy graham crackers, and smooth milk chocolate. But I, the “not so normal” human being, decided to bake a little tiny pie: Leftover S’mores Pie.
S’more is a contraction of the phrase “some more”. One early published recipe for a s’more is found in a book of recipes published by the Campfire Marshmallows company in the 1920s, where it was called a “Graham Cracker Sandwich”. The text indicates that the treat was already popular with both Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts. In 1927, a recipe for “Some More” was published in Tramping and Trailing with the Girl Scouts.
The contracted term “s’mores” appears in conjunction with the recipe in a 1938 publication aimed at summer camps. A 1956 recipe uses the name “S’mores”, and lists the ingredients as “a sandwich of two graham crackers, toasted marshmallow and 1⁄2 chocolate bar”. A 1957 Betty Crocker cookbook contains a similar recipe under the name of “S’mores."
The 1958 publication Intramural and Recreational Sports for High School and College makes reference to “marshmallow toasts” and “s’mores hikes” as does its related predecessor, Intramural and Recreational Sports for Men and Women, published in 1949.
Leftover S’Mores Pie
homemade pie crust
honey graham crackers
Hershey’s milk chocolate bar (the brand is important – you MUST)
Preheat the oven to 425 degrees.
Prepare the pie crust as directed.
Fill the crust with graham cracker pieces, chocolate chunks, and marshmallows.
Bake for about 20 minutes, until the crust is golden brown.
Serve HOT! (If you want to bring back campfire memories, sit outside and freeze your ass off and fill your hair and clothes with wood smoke).
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