Gluten-Free Apple Cinnamon Oatmeal Ring Cake

I’ve been wanting to bake this glorious and beautiful semi-sweet breakfast ring cake for quite some time.

It’s simple: apple cinnamon-flavored instant oatmeal packets + pulverized apple chips, a touch of coconut oil, and eggs. That’s it!


Rather than a sweet-treat coffee cake for breakfast, let’s just get down to the brass tacks of life and bake some oatmeal, apples, cinnamon, and heart-healthy eggs!

Gluten-Free Apple Cinnamon Oatmeal Ring Cake 

1 box Instant Apple Cinnamon Oatmeal packets
4 bags Bare Snacks Apple Chips, processed into a crumb

1 cup gluten-free honey grahams, processed into a crumb
4 large eggs
1/3 cup liquid coconut oil

½ cup cream
pinch of sea salt
dried cranberries, for garnish


Preheat the oven to 350° F.


Coat a decorative Bundt cake pan with oil, covering all surfaces. (I like Baker’s Joy spray).


Whip together the eggs, coconut oil, cream, and salt.


Fold in the oatmeal and pulverized graham crackers and apple chips.


Mix well.


Transfer to the prepared Bundt cake pan.


Bake for 25-30 minutes, until a toothpick inserted comes out clean.


Remove from oven and cool for 20-30 minutes, before inverting cake pan and plating onto a round platter.


Garnish with sweetened, dried cranberries.


Slice and serve warm.


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