They are creamy. They are crunchy. They are sweet. They are silky. They are dark and dense, yet they are also unbelievably light as a feather.
You’ll want to eat them all!

They are Brazilian Chocolate Truffles: Brigadeiro!

I saw a friend living in Italy post a photos of these in Instagram and knew immediately this was something I had to create here at home.
The recipes seemed kind of complex – so I took one look at the ingredients and transformed them into something fantastical and far less complicated. YUM!

Brazilian Brigadeiro Chocolate Truffles

14 oz. sweetened condensed milk
3 oz. dark chocolate
2 Tbs. butter
2 cups chocolate sprinkles

In a small pot, heat the sweetened condensed milk, the chocolate, and the butter, stirring until well combined.
Reduce the heat to very, very low, and stir constantly to avoid any burning or clumping. After about 10-15 minutes, the mixture should be thick – thicker than mouse, but not as thick as fudge – like a ripe avocado.
Set aside and allow to cool for 30-45 minutes.

Next form the chocolate mixture into ball-like shapes, and roll in to the sprinkles.

Refrigerate to set.

Brazilian Chocolate Brigadeiro Truffles!

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