“All the goodness of a nutrition bar without all the added sugar!”

Delicious and nutritious!

We make our nutrition bars with organic superfoods, hemp-derived CBD and whole spectrum turmeric. We do not use added sugar or sweeteners, nuts, sticky dates, gluten, soy, or dairy.

I often tout my favorite things – those things I simply cannot live without: apples, almond butter, coconut butter, Manchego and Mimolette, asparagus, zucchini, kale chips… but those are all hard ingredients – real food. It’s not often that I’ll praise a specific product with all my heart, for all that it is. But, I have found my one and only – a vegan, gluten-free CBD nutrition bar. It’s the best! It’s CARLbar.

I’m not totally sure how Carly does it, but she does it well.

CARLbar combines the potential super powers of CBD, turmeric, and superfoods, creating the ultimate nutrition bar.

I’m sort of new to CBD, but I see and feel the benefits:

CBD (Cannabidiol) is one of the 100+ cannabinoids that can be extracted from hemp. Hemp comes from the species, Cannabis Sativa, and is legally grown in America for its industrial uses and its non-psychoactive health properties, as it must contain no more than 0.3% THC.

The CBD in CARLbar comes from a certified industrial hemp farm in LOCAL Colorado, providing an extract that contains 0.00% THC (the “high”). Therefore, no need to worry about failing a drug test from eating CBD.

CARLbar uses CBD isolate but BROAD SPECTRUM instead of Full Spectrum CBD which means you won’t get the taste or smell of marijuana. It tastes like nothing!

I’m not new to the nutritional benefits of turmeric – they are fantastic:

Extracted from turmeric is one of the many curcuminoids, curcumin. This powerful curcumin is responsible for the suggested health benefits provided by turmeric. Another property within the turmeric root is turmerones.

Because turmeric is hydrophobic by nature, it cannot be absorbed into the body unless there is a fat-soluble source to help. Enter, turmerones, the fat-soluble property naturally found within the turmeric. You may have heard of black pepper aiding in the absorption of turmeric, this is the reason for that.

So ALL of this is great. BUT, what about the taste? Could that be the most important thing on earth? Well, yes – but I’m pretty picky about my ingredients and my flavors. And, I say with FULL confidence that I have NO problem whatsoever putting CARLbars into my body (on a daily basis). And I must admit, the CARLbites, are stunningly my favorite. (I also must admit that I don’t necessary use them as a “recovery” bites – but simply as treats – I’m not as active as I once was and I’m totally okay with that!)

Look at these ingredients:
Prebiotic Tapioca Fiber*, Sunflower Seed Paste*, Brown Rice Protein*, Cacao Nibs*, Pumpkin Seeds*, Tart Cherries*, Raw Cacao Powder*, Spinach*, Natural Flavors*, Sweet Potato*, Acerola Powder*, Whole Spectrum Turmeric Complex (Curcuminoids, Turmerones)*, Sea Salt, Citric Acid, Hemp Extract (Made with Colorado grown hemp). (*denotes organic)

Prebiotic Tapioca Fiber*, Sunflower Seed Paste*, Brown Rice Protein*, Pumpkin Seeds*, Apple*, Pineapple*, Spinach*, Natural Flavors*, Sweet Potato*, Acerola Powder*, Whole Spectrum Turmeric Complex (Curcuminoids, Turmerones)*, Sea Salt, Citric Acid, Hemp Extract (Made with Colorado grown hemp).

And – Look at these flavors:

Black Forest Bars:
Chocolate lovers unite! The combination of 100% cacao, sweet black cherry flavor, tart cherry fruit bits, and a wonderful added crunch of cacao nibs, will curb a chocolate craving and leave your taste buds rejoicing! OMG!!!!

Tropical Summit:
Relocate to a sunny day at a white sandy beach with crystal blue waves rolling in! Explode your taste buds with the bright flavors of coconut and mandarin combined with the sweet pineapple and apple fruit bits! Put on your shades and relax! AAHHH!

My tastebuds are dancing, rejoicing, singing, and cheering.

Seriously, I need more of these in my life. I cannot go without them!

Finally, a treat I CAN treat myself to and feel, oh so good.

So, check out CARLbar. Check out Carly. Follow her on Facebook and IG!
BUY these morsels of goodness, and sing praise to the heavens!!

Thanks for your magic, Carly. Keep it up!

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