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You know me, I like things to be fast and easy – in the KITCHEN, that is.

Come breakfast time, I feel like I’m always on the go.  I like to prepare things that are no less complicated than a simple scramble.

Sausage, kale, and butter.  That’s really all you need, right?

I discovered while preparing this the other morning that I have developed a preference for Kerrygold butter.  Before I was buying Organic Valley Pasture Butter – simply due to convenience and price.  We had some Kerrygold sitting in the fridge, easier to access than the frozen Organic Valley, and it seemed to be calling me name.
When I mentioned this preference to my mother, her response was rather matter of fact.
“Of course you do.  It’s better.”
“Why is it better, Mom?”
“It’s IRISH.”


All blood lines in my family lead directly to the great green Emerald Isle.
So there you have it, apparently anything Irish is just simply better – better butter.

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Super Simple Scramble

2 Tbs. Kerrygold Irish Butter
4 Fire-Roasted Red Pepper Chicken Sausages (Applegate Farms) – or your favorite brand and flavor, sliced
1 large bunch kale, green or lacinato, thinly sliced
Be sure to throw in some sea salt too

Over medium to low heat, combine all ingredients and brown/fry until “simply scrambled,” crispy, and delightful!

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