A creamy sriracha-tahini marinade over pungent brussels sprouts and aromatic fennel, topped with sprouted pumpkin seeds makes for a fantastically flavorful and filling meal.

Pumpkin Seed Sriracha Brussels Sprouts & Fennel Salad

1 medium fennel bulb, thinly sliced (bulb only, reserve the fronds for another use)
2 cups Brussels sprouts, chopped and many of the leaves removed (reserving the leaves)
½ cup sesame tahni
1 Tbs. 
Wildbrine Smoky Jalapeño Sriracha + 2 tsp.
sea salt and pepper
½ cup sprouted pumpkin seeds
2 Tbs. red Anaheim pepper, seeded and chopped

In a large bowl, toss together the fennel and Brussels sprouts and leaves.
In a small bowl, whisk together the tahini and 1 Tbs. sriracha until will combined. Pour the sauce over the vegetables, season with salt and pepper, and mix to marinate at room temperature for about 1-2 hours. The oil in the tahini and the spice and acid in the sriracha will soften and tone the veggies.
Sprinkle with sprouted pumpkin seeds and fresh red pepper, and dollops of the remaining 2 tsp. sriracha just before serving.

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